Tuesday, February 25, 2014

BLOG POST 5: SRES A1F1 Emissions Scenario regarding Climate Change

As part of the PBS TeacherLine's online course NASA Resources for Teaching Global Climate Change in High School, a project on a specific future emissions scenario from the IPCC report was assigned.  The presentation we created addresses four specific fossil fuels which will likely be tapped as we run out of existing fossil fuel peak sources, as well as how greenhouse emissions might be reduced and/or sequestered.

I have provided a link to the current version of the PowerPoint presentation my partner and I created.  As we modify the presentation, I will update the PowerPoint available through the link.



Saturday, February 8, 2014

BLOG POST 4: M Dale Streigle - Greenhouse Gases, Feedbacks and Scenarios

Scientists have know for many years that particular gases in Earth's atmosphere help retain heat at Earth's surface.  If we had no greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, Earth would be very cold.  It has been projected that with no greenhouse effect, Earth's average surface temperature would be about 0 degrees F.   (http://www.giss.nasa.gov/research/briefs/ma_01/).  Of concern is that the modern, industrialized world is pumping such copious quantities of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere that humans are driving climate change (http://www.global-greenhouse-warming.com/).  The accompanying website shows how much three greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) have risen since the industrial revolution (http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/climatescience/greenhousegases/industrialrevolution.html).  It seems very reasonable to state that as greenhouse gases increase, the climate will trend toward warmer average weather.

About half-way down the page on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's website (http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/science/future.html) is a link to a pop-up which does a nice job of answering the question, "How can the use of climate models help in the understanding of these uncertainties" (regarding the effects of climate feedback).  By going to the EPA side and clicking on the image (as seen below) one can work through and increase your understanding of how how such climate models help.  Working through the topics and slides helps understand that complex mathematics are used to project possibilities of what might occur.  This pop-up explains how the mathematical models are tested under current climate conditions, takes steps to explore past changes in climate, and discusses concerns for the future.  In its final slide, the pop-up suggests that with an informed citizenry, we can develop and adopt practices which help mitigates the scale of climate change, and might help us adapt to living in a future, warmer world.

Regarding the emission scenarios, I think it likely that the A1FI scenario will play out.  In that scenario, the world's population continues to increase and relies even more on fossil fuels for energy (http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/science/future.html).  As much as advocates for alternative energy would like us to change, barriers are continuously placed in the way of energy sources such as nuclear power.  Wind projects, while touted as clean, are also blocked by people who believe they would spoil their view.  Cape Wind, off of Cape Cod, is gradually gaining steam, but was blocked by quite some time by politicians who felt its development would spoil their ocean view (http://www.capewind.org/index.php).

As shown in the graphic to the right, the highest levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide are achieved in the A1FI scenario (http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/science/future.html).  Temperatures will continue to rise, as increased levels of greenhouse gases enact climate forcings based on the ability of the greenhouse gases to retain heat.  As Earth gets warmer, more evaporation will occur from the oceans, lakes and streams which result in much more water vapor in the atmosphere.  This is a feedback event which causes temperatures to increase even more rapidly and temperatures to rise to even higher levels.  Water vapor is a very powerful greenhouse gas, and enhances the effect of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.  The graphic below projects Earth's temperatures in the years to come.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

BLOG POST 3: M. Dale Streigle - Climate Forcings and Feedbacks

1) Regarding the question of "Which climate forcings and feedbacks are most prevalent in either your local area or in the United States as a whole and why might this be so?", I will address the issue pertaining to Las Vegas in particular and Nevada in general.

Over the years, development has greatly altered the surface of the Las Vegas basin from natural to artificial.  In so doing, the albedo has been drastically affected.  As per the interactive "Earth's Albedo and Global Warming" (http://www.pbs.org/teacherline/courselinks/x7warq/), surfaces with high albedos reflect much insolation (as visible light) back towards outer space while surfaces with low albedos absorb much insolation, changing the energy of visible light to the longer wavelength infrared light (heat).  The original surface of the Vegas area was light-colored, dry soil.  This has largely been replaced by concrete and asphalt, hundreds of thousands of buildings with roofs darker than the original soil, and scattered golf courses and swimming pools.

As shown in this table of albedos of different materials (http://ecosystems.wcp.muohio.edu/studentresearch/climatechange03/snowball/web%20page/images/Albedo%20Chart.jpg), the original, light-colored dry soil of the region reflected up to 45% of incoming solar radiation (insolation).  Between the asphalt and darker colored concrete and roofs, and considering the absorptive effects of water in pools, only from 3% to 15% of insolation is reflected.  Consequently, the altered surface is a forcing which causes the Vegas area to have higher temperatures than normal.  Development is not slowing down.  As development encroaches further into the surrounding desert, we can expect our temperatures to get even hotter.

The Center for Integrative Environmental Research released a report in 2008 titled Economic Impacts of Climate Change in Nevada (http://www.cier.umd.edu/climateadaptation/Nevada%20Economic%20Impacts%20of%20Climate%20Change.pdf).  In this article, the authors discuss that, "In the last century Nevada has experienced a slight increase in temperature, increased precipitation, a shortening of the snow season, and increased storms in general (USGCRP 2000). A .5°F increase over the last 100 years has resulted in more heat waves and more aridity (EPA 1998)."  Regarding future impacts of climate change in Nevada, the authors state, "By 2100, the average temperatures for Nevada are expected to increase by 3-4°F in the spring and fall and by 5-6°F in the summer and winter (EPA report 1998). El  NiƱo also is predicted to increase in frequency and duration as a result of global climate change (Trenberth and Hoar 1997). Increasing temperatures will affect the rate of water evaporation and precipitation in the state. Precipitation will become increasingly erratic in the coming century with decreases expected in the summer months of about 10 percent and potential increases of 15-40 percent in the fall, spring, and winter months (EPA Nevada Report, 1998). In general, Nevada is expected to have wetter winters and more arid summers as the subtropical dry zones for the whole planet are projected to increase (USGCRP 2000; Fang Ting, Science). Higher temperatures and increased winter rainfall will be accompanied by a reduction in snow pack, earlier snowmelts, and increased runoff. (IPP Regional projections report 2008)."

Levels at Lake Mead are already at historically low ranges.  This is a serious problem for a region which relies on drawing water from Lake Mead for all our daily needs.  The Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA http://www.snwa.com/) wants to build a multi-billion dollar water pipeline to counties in northern Nevada through which they advocate pumping water siphoned from their resources.  Northern Nevada is an agricultural area of the state, and is greatly concerned they will lose the water vital to maintaining livestock and crops.  The SNWA has expressed their belief that the water needs of Las Vegas (a community which has no compunction regarding the extraordinary quantities of water needed to maintain a myriad of golf courses -- and which still permits the construction of new golf courses) represent a greater "right" to the waters of northern Nevada than any "right" possessed by the residents of northern Nevada.  "Assurances" have been given by the SNWA that northern Nevadans would have water enough left to meet their needs (needs being defined by SNWA).

2) Concerning the question of, "What resources have you located to help you and your students understand climate forcings and feedbacks?", the many resources offered in the readings of Session 2 are likely to prove invaluable.  There are 22 resources alone found within the resources listed as the ESSEA (Earth System Science Education Alliance) NASA Global Climate Change Education Modules website (http://essea.strategies.org/module.nasa.html).  The ESSEA site also offered problem-based learning strategies to utilize in our classrooms (http://essea.strategies.org/inquiry.html).  I'm certain I will be able to incorporate ideas from their list to help my students understand the concept of climate forcings and feedbacks.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

BLOG POST 2: M Dale Streigle - NASA, STEM & PBL

While completing the reading for this class, we were provided, via information in the report, Before It's Too Late: A Report to the Nation from the National Commission on Mathematics and Science Teaching for the 21st Century (http://www.phystec.org/items/detail.cfm?ID=4059), four reasons to make changes in our current mode of teaching:
  1. Our interdependent global economy is dependent on mathematics and science-related knowledge and abilities;
  2. Our citizens need both mathematics and science for their everyday decision-making;
  3. Our nation's security is linked to mathematics and science; and
  4. Mathematics and science are primary sources of lifelong learning and the progress of our civilization.
According to What is 21st Century Education (http://www.21stcenturyschools.com/What_is_21st_Century_Education.htm), seven survival skills are key:

  1. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
  2. Collaboration across Networks and Leading by Influence
  3. Agility and Adaptability
  4. Initiative and Entrepreneurialism
  5. Effective Oral and Written Communication
  6. Accessing and Analyzing Information
  7. Curiosity and Imagination
And, within the framework of Partnership for 21st Century Skills (http://www.p21.org/our-work/p21-framework), we are told that requisite skills today's students must possess to succeed in the 21st Century include:
  1. Use various types of reasoning.
  2. Effectively analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, and beliefs.
  3. Analyze and evaluate major alternative points of view.
  4. Synthesize and make connections between information and arguments.
  5. Interpret information and draw conclusions.
  6. Reflect critically on learning experiences and processes.
  7. Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written, and nonverbal communication skills.
  8. Utilize multiple media and technologies, and know how to judge their effectiveness.
Keeping all of the above in mind, I'll proceed to explain how I believe NASA, STEM and PBL meet the needs of 21st century education.

NASA, by its very nature, epitomizes the interwoven nature of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.  The Soviets launched Sputnik 1 a bit more than a year after my birth.  Rather than being ecstatic, citizens of the United States were aghast.  We did not then have the technology to replicate the Soviet feat and were fearful of attack.  President Eisenhower and congress acted swiftly, creating the office of Presidential Science Advisor, and establishing the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007APS..APR.T6002H).  Schools were directed to devote more time to instruction in science and mathematics, and the National Science Foundation was funded at a vastly higher level (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sputnik_crisis).  NASA is symbolic of intelligence and higher level thinking, which is why it is still common for people to state of brainy individuals, "What are you...some kind of rocket scientist?"  NASA helps people understand the need for science and math in everyday decision-making and helps ensure national security.  NASA emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and problem-solving as well as agility and adaptability. Consider how crucial such was to the astronauts after the oxygen tank rupture within the Service Module forced them into the Landing Module for the return trip.  The astronauts soon found the Landing Module was unable to keep up with scrubbing the CO2 they released and had to come up with a way to use the scrubber from the Service Module even though the two scrubbers were not interchangeable.  NASA simulates curiosity and imagination as we dream of exploring space and traveling to new worlds.  We might never have had the Star Trek and Star Wars franchises had it not been for extreme interest in NASA space exploration.

I was quite impressed with the 50th Anniversary of NASA site (http://www.nasa.gov/externalflash/50th/main.html).  I really enjoyed its interactive nature, narrations and music.  The site permits individuals to explore various aspects of NASA development via decade, and is exceptionally informative.  I would state emphatically that this website was designed specifically with the needs of 21st Century education in mind.

STEM (albeit, I've been reading that a more progressive approach is STEAM - science, technology, engineering, art and math, hence the steam punk graphic).
From prior exposure and from the readings in this class (http://www.pbs.org/moodle/file.php/4021/docs/stem_standards.pdf), I would say STEM focuses very much on the Standards to meet the needs of 21st Century education.  STEM focuses on problems inherently influential in the lives of students.  Once problems have been identified, national and local standards are written and implemented to guide teachers in classroom instructional techniques.  Rather than the isolated approach which is typical (i.e. just science standards for science, just math standards for math, etc.), STEM ensures an integration of standards from all aspects from its acronym (science standards, technology standards, engineering standards and math standards).  I believe STEM addresses its importance as a primary source of lifelong learning, as well as guiding students in their analysis and evaluation of alternative points of view, the manner in which students synthesize and make connections from data, and how they interpret information before drawing conclusions.

According to Finkle and Torp (http://www.cotf.edu/ete/teacher/teacherout.html), "problem-based learning is a curriculum development and instructional system that simultaneously develops both problem solving strategies and disciplinary knowledge bases and skills by placing students in the active role of problem solvers confronted with an ill-structured problem that mirrors real-world problems".  And within our assigned reading (http://www.pbs.org/moodle/mod/resource/view.php?id=162169), we are told that Problem-based Learning is "a frame around a unit – the vehicle you use to engage students as they discover information they need to solve a problem".  What I take away from this is that Problem-based Learning is a tool which utilizes specific hands-on instructional techniques.  Students must do rather then simply write what they are told.  Experiments are designed specifically to address topics considered to be important as per STEM standards.  Student involvement in the experiments (problems or projects) creates an investment by the students as they learn to think and perform like scientists.  Students learn that solutions rarely immediately present themselves.  Rather, finding solutions is frequently a drawn-out process requiring substantial investment of time and necessitating modification of project design if original design does not generate meaningful data.

I would argue that in addition to what I've written above, Problem-based Learning helps meet the needs of 21st Century education by guiding students in seeing the need for science and math in everyday decision-making and reflecting critically on learning experiences and processes.

BLOG POST 1: M Dale Streigle - Web 2.0 Tools

One of the first Web 2.0 tools I encountered was that of HTML (hypertext markup language) a number of years ago in graduate school.  I was an early adopter of using the Internet, but everything was text-based back then (you typed as I'm doing now, and any info you received was delivered as typed context).  While in graduate school, Mozilla came into being and the gui (graphical user interface) was advanced.  One of my classes in educational media required us to create our own web page, so I had the opportunity to utilize HTML in its infancy to create a web page with "fancy" fonts, colors and a few graphics.  I imagine what I created would be less sophisticated than what kids in school can do today now that software exists to do the heavy lifting (we had to type in all the instructions to get the display we were hoping for).  In viewing Michael Wesch's The Machine is Us/ing Us (http://www.pbs.org/teacherline/courselinks/aXD844/), I can see how much further we've advanced with the advent of XML (extensible markup language).  Web pages are so much more personalized and flexible than ever before.

I believe Wikipedia (http://www.wikipedia.org/) to be a Web 2.0 tool.  I do utilize this resource to some extent for content as I prepare lessons, and will permit students to include it as one of their references when submitting reports.  Wikipedia has some excellent information available.  But...since readers of Wikipedia can serve also as editors of Wikipedia content, mischief sometimes ensues and I caution my students to exercise good judgement in assessing validity of content.

In the same mindset, Google (https://www.google.com/) is something I check frequently.  It is a very comprehensive search engine.  My students rely on it to find leads.  I've used other search engines over the years, such as Alta Vista, Dogpile and Metacrawler.  It seems Google is becoming ubiquitous when folks talk about making searches.  I find myself at times leery of Google when I find that sites can pay Google to emphasize their presence.  And, Google results are occasionally somewhat biased in the field of politics.

As I am writing this blog post, I'm smiling as I think of how I am violating info I received from one of our Web 2.0 references, Ten Tips for Writing a Blog Post (http://www.problogger.net/archives/2005/12/30/tens-tips-for-writing-a-blog-post).  I think the tips given were dead-on, but by no means am I able to accomplish the requirements of our assignment in 250 words or less.  I'll keep that limit in mind for non-classwork :)

Other Web 2.0 resources I've utilized include streaming videos from Discovery Streaming (https://clark.discoveryeducation.com) and Annenberg Learner (http://learner.org/).  These sites provide excellent resources which help students understand content.  It is nice to be able to show a short video so the students can see what you've been talking about.  After (and sometimes during) the video, I engage the students in discussion about what they've viewed and find a better grasp obtained than simply if I had relied solely on notes.

On a final note, lest I make too great a mockery of the "250 words or less" tip, I've found excellent interactive simulations using the Internet.  Interactive simulations are available in all of the fields I am teaching (chemistry, physics and the geosciences).  For example, in Physics I Honors, we are concluding our unit on momentum.  A useful resource to demonstrate how changing variables can affect elastic and inelastic collisions is found at http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/collision-lab.  We do labs in class (and for the record for folks who read my POST 1 for this week and knew my class used smart devices to visually record the experiments to better determine exactly how high spheres of various materials bounced) there is a limit to what materials you have available, what surfaces you can test, and the height from which you can drop spheres.  Interact simulations provide the opportunity to try variations unavailable in the classroom

Monday, January 20, 2014

Rock the world

Igneous rocks, first molten then cooled
you know that they're hot!  Ain't nobody fooled.

Sedimentary rocks, grains weathered/cemented
a hodgepodge of sizes, textural pattern demented.

Metamorphic rocks, lived under such pressure
at the surface of Earth, the stress is much lesser.

Identities merge -- are origins trifle
as one becomes all over time as rocks cycle?

by M. Dale